THE NATIONAL PROGRAMME proposes short and medium term objectives to support the coordinated development of palliative care services in Romania so as to meet the need of care in an uniformly way in all counties. This will imply informing and educating the professionals within the medical field, creating the legislative framework and developing the services.

The National Programme was officially presented, with the occasion of the 13th Conference of the National Association of Palliative Care ( in Iasi, in the period 6-8 September, 2012

The need for developing a National Strategy for Palliative Care appeared in 2008, with the occasion of a partnership for the integration of palliative care within health services in Romania, a partnership between HCS Foundation, the Ministry of Health and the Romanian Federation of Cancer Patients Association.

“’In Romania, almost 150 000 persons need palliative care yearly, out of which over 60 000 are cancer patients. Unfortunately, the specialized services are covered in a percentage of only 4,2 % and 6,7 % for cancer patients. For a rapid improvement of this situation we need a coordinated and accelerated national development of palliative care services, based on a national strategy agreed by professionals and supported by the authorities.” Daniela Mosoiu, MD, initiator of the Debate concerning the National Strategy, dedicated to the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day, which took place in Brasov, on the 12th of October 2012.


Opinion poll (September 2007 – March 2008): concerning the level of awareness of the population from Romania on palliative services. Citizens’ attitudes and perceptions about the problems that patients with terminal illnesses face. Access to palliative care services in Romania (ordered by HCS Foundation, conducted by IMAS Marketing & Polls, on a national quota sample of 1233 respondents from rural and urban areas, with a 2.8% margin of error)

Minimum quality standards in home-based palliative care, inpatient and outpatient units

The costs evaluation of palliative care in Romania

Catalogue of palliative care services in Romania 2010

The proposal which aims to incorporate palliative care services in the new law on health (sent to the Ministry of Health on July 30, 2012)

The National Programme for Palliative Care In Romania (sent to the Ministry of Health on August 8, 2012)

The National Strategy for Palliative Care In Romania  (debated on October 12, 2012)


YOUR OPINION MATTERS: Debate on the National Strategy and National Programme

Please study the two documents and send an e-mail (at with your contribution to these documents of major importance for the patients requiring palliative care.


SIGN: “Your Voice Matters” Petition (3857 signatures)
By signing this petition for having the right to access palliative care services, you will join the people who have begun to develop palliative care services. And your voice, along with many others, will advocate for these services no longer be just a right to receive assistance stipulated in a law article, but a national health programme which could bring us the necessary care when and where we need it.

Useful LINKs:

Palliation subcommitte/National Oncology Commission of the Ministry of Health

National Cancer Registry