Event – Does research concern palliative care clinicians?

ERASMUS+: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128

Event host organization: “Galilee” Palliative Care Unit

Date and place: 15th Oct 2022, Athens, Greece

“Galilee” Palliative Care Unit successfully organized an event to present the results of the RESPACC project. The aim was to empower health care professionals in palliative care research to transform everyday clinical problems into research questions.

“Galilee” hosted in person and online, academics, health care (Doctors, Nurses), other welfare professionals (Social Workers, Psychologists, Physiotherapists) and postgraduate and undergraduate students from 21 organizations already offering or interested in offering education or palliative care services in Greece and Cyprus.

The event had two parts. The main part was focused on the project and second part was focused on Bioethical Challenges during Palliative Care provision, covering all intellectual outputs.

All professionals who registered, received a follow-up email with all the material presented during the multiplier event.